Copperfield Bookstore Author Panel / Patti Diener To Attend

Time management is tricky for me these days. I have many hats I’m wearing and need to be proficient in all my roles. As publicist, booking events for me to attend to promote my book, AFTER THE FIRE, is where I have to be extremely efficient. But self care is what I’m putting high on my agenda these days. Without it, I would crash and burn. Since I cannot afford to do that, I choose to take better care of myself.

Today after work, before returning emails, responding to social media, placing more phone calls, or EVEN blogging, I took my daily walk. Getting out into nature after a long day of public schooling (or adulting as it were), I needed it to unwind and lower my anxiety levels. I could feel my stress levels plummet as I watched a flock of quail scamper about under the Manzanita. Then I stumbled across a huge cluster of wild mushrooms of some kind. I’m no expert that’s for sure, but these colorful fungi were very interesting and I had to snap a picture.

Mushrooms by Patti Diener
Found these on my walk

But once I returned I settled back into my office and focused on my days ahead. The calendar revealed I have an event next week on Thursday, January 23, 2020. I will be sitting on an author panel at Copperfield Books from 5:00 – 6:30pm in Calistoga, California. I am told I will be with about 4 other authors, all having written different genre books, and folks will hear a little from each of us about what we’ve written, and why. Not being very experienced with this kind of thing, I am just as curious to find out how it goes as you might be. Either way, it’s publicity and networking with other authors. Win-win.

Most recently, I have contacted Sonoma Magazine’s editor about possibly featuring my book in their magazine. I just emailed her last night so fingers crossed that goes well. I have a list of places to contact. I just need to organize my secretary, publicist, bookkeeper, and file clerk so they all are on track. Yes, they are all me! Prioritizing and having a weekly check list is helpful. I’m learning.

If you are thinking about self publishing a book, know this… it’s work, but work worth doing if you love it like I do. I’d gladly do this full time and enjoy every minute of it. Goodness knows it IS a full time job that most self publishing authors have to cram in as part-time since they all have “real jobs.” The dream is to become successful enough to quit the “real job,” and make a living at the “dream job.” I plan to make that my reality.

If you haven’t read my book AFTER THE FIRE, you can buy it on Amazon in both paperback or eBook, and it’s FREE on Kindle Unlimited. It’s also in some select stores in Northern California, like Copperfield Books in Calistoga, in Mendocino Book Company in Ukiah, Watershed Books in Lakeport, Lake County Wine Studio in Upperlake, and Marie’s Feed in Clearlake. There will be more locations very shortly.

Thanks so much for your interest in this romance writer. You can leave a comment on the blog or email me directly at I’d love to hear from you. Also if you’ve read the book, please leave a review on Amazon. It’s extremely helpful. I will be posting after the author panel to let you all know how that went and what is next in store for me and the book.

Warm wishes!

Published by

Patti Diener

Patti lives with her family in Lake County, California. She's a retired public school librarian, writer of fiction, memoirs, and inspirational short stories. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @pattidiener

6 thoughts on “Copperfield Bookstore Author Panel / Patti Diener To Attend”

  1. Patti that is amazing!! I thinks it time to hire a publicist!! Lol!! I am so enjoying the book! I’m so proud of you!! The panel things sounds like fun!

    1. Carmen,

      Thank you for your comment. Yes a publicist would be great but still cannot afford one just yet. Lol!! Very happy you are enjoying the book. I’m looking forward to the Author Panel at Copperfield Books. Love meeting new people and other authors as well. Come out if you have the time.


    1. Kendall,

      Thank you for reading and your input. I was honored to write about local businesses in Lake County. It’s important folks know that we are still here, and we are still open for business! Everyone should come see us.


  2. Hi Patti:
    Wonderful book! My son in law has been reading it and appears to have difficulty putting it down.
    I was on a hike yesterday and one of my fellow hikers identified a mushroom that grows at base of dead trees in clusters called a Honey Mushroom, edible. The Death Cap (deadly) is also yellow, your pic looks yellow!
    Hoping to see you in Calistoga. Date is on my calendar

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