Marketing a Self-Published Book/Book Signing at Copperfield’s Books

When you are self-published, you have to hustle. It’s not enough to click the magical publish button, and then pray people buy your book. It it entirely up to you to get the word out that you have something people need.

This weekend, I am invited to return a second time to Copperfield Books in Calistoga, to promote my book. This time I will be signing books and selling them from the store front. If you haven’t met me before and are curious about my book, AFTER THE FIRE, please stop by the store Saturday, February 8th and ask me about it.

In addition to the Calistoga signing, I am working out a date to do a signing at the Healdsburg, Copperfield Bookstore as well. I love this company and their stores are charming and very community oriented. Another place I am scheduled to do an author event in is Ukiah’s Mendocino Book Company. More to come on that soon.

If you have self-published and are curious about setting up consignments for your book, the key is DON’T BE SHY! I know most writers are fairly introverted and not great at talking about themselves or public speaking. It really is something you have to practice. But the only thing I can say to be helpful is… get over it! You will stumble, and misspeak. You might find yourself sweating or even forgetting your own name, (yep it happened). The thing is, just calm down, breathe deep, and know that bookstore owners and managers are mostly kind, and welcome authors with open arms.

The writing community is very supportive. Believe it or not, I found that the more vulnerable you are, and the more honest you are about what you don’t know, the more folks step up to help you. Don’t try to act like you know what you are doing if you don’t. Just find out who handles consignments for the store, get their contact information, and don’t forget to leave a copy of your book with a business card or promotional information for them.

Next important thing is to FOLLOW UP! You won’t get a “yes,” every time, but most times stores are willing to carry your book. I recently drove to a store not knowing if they would want to carry my book or not and by the time I left, I had given them the books from my car to sell, and now am planning a date in May for an author event. This was at the fabulous Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino, California.

Author events are great, but they are not all you have to do. You have to work social media to death! You have to advertise with paid promotions, create ads for your accounts, and you have to enter your work into contests. People have to know you exist.

Fults Family Vineyard Tasting Room in Lower Lake
also carries my book!
My Valentine’s Ad

This takes time. I am still building a following and it’s not easy. In fact it’s kicking my butt since I have a full time job. Still, it’s really the best part of my day when I get to do things like this… blog about writing and publishing.

In learning all that I have had to learn over the past four years, I’ve got to say that I truly love the process of publishing. I might have made some mistakes along the way, and I know better now what to do and NOT to do, but I’m hoping to help others who are trying to publish their work. There were countless people that helped me, so I would love to pay it forward. I’m toying with the idea of starting a Youtube channel to talk about publishing. Stay tuned.

If you are in the neighborhood of Calistoga, on Saturday Feb. 8th, come on over and say hello. I’d love to see y’all and talk books.

Happy Reading!

*All photos by me, Patti Diener

Published by

Patti Diener

Patti lives with her family in Lake County, California. She's a retired public school librarian, writer of fiction, memoirs, and inspirational short stories. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @pattidiener

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