Book Reviews- Very Important for Debut Authors

It’s a good thing I enjoy driving. Hitting the open road, music up loud, windows down, sunroof open (lately because of our early spring weather), puts my mind right. I’d be in trouble if I didn’t love it because that’s all I’ve been doing. I’m out trying to spread the word about my new book.

It’s all wonderful getting my book into some bookstores and retailers, but I’ve learned it’s not going to be enough without a key thing ALL authors need. Book reviews.

I was fortunate enough to get a quick 25 – 30 reviews collectively from my eBook and paperback versions on Amazon. But the reviews have literally STOPPED coming in. That’s scary. I know folks are still buying the book from my reports. Still that also ebbs and flows with the tides of people’s busy lives and pocket books. I try to remind folks AFTER THE FIRE is Free on Kindle Unlimited. Click here to get it.

My ad for the upcoming event

So I go out and meet the public as much as I possibly can to promote my book. Above is my recent ad I created for next month. I have another event coming up for the Mendocino Book Company too. March will be busy. Hoping for good sales but also hoping some of them will post a review. An HONEST review and it cannot come from folks that sound too chummy with me. Amazon flags those and usually won’t post them. Understandably.

I got a wonderful surprise from a gal I met through my social media accounts. We follow each other across the country with the power of modern technology. She suddenly asked me if I’d like her to give me an honest review. Most certainly! Her name is Jane and she manages a website called and you can read the review she gave me there. Just click the link above to read. You should be able to hit your back arrow to return here.

I am so grateful every day for the support I’ve gotten as a debut novelist. I have to say the biggest obstacle I’ve come up against is time. I don’t have enough of it. But then again, nobody really does. We all just try our best to fit everything in and sometimes we can…other times its a balancing act that feels unstable. As long as we keep going forward with grateful hearts and enjoy the journey, that’s all we can expect from ourselves. For now, I might be tired, but I’m really having a good time.

Thanks for following along. Happy reading my friends.

Published by

Patti Diener

Patti lives with her family in Lake County, California. She's a retired public school librarian, writer of fiction, memoirs, and inspirational short stories. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @pattidiener

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