And The Winner Is………

Mike's FlowersMike's Flowers 2  Mother Nature has a way

of regenerating herself. Here are a few pictures, shared by my friend Mike Holland, of Big Canyon Road this spring. The wildflowers have been more spectacular this season than in any resent years. I know the much needed rain we had helped tremendously. I’m just feeling so much gratitude for the beauty that is here, raising itself from OUT OF THE ASHES!

So that’s the winner folks, it’s Out Of The Ashes.

My husband will gloat for a spell, feeling proud of his contribution to my project with his wit and insight. I must admit, the title has a certain symbolic attribute that I love. So I suppose a proper thank you, is in order, Charles Diener. I do love you.

Now that the title is set, I wanted to thank those of you who helped me to come to this decision. I take your opinions to heart and wanted to listen to each of you. More folks liked the idea of Out Of The Ashes, so now I feel I can move forward, more confidently, with the project.

My characters are developing quite nicely, and I feel I know them as real people. They’ve become so important to me, mostly because I feel they have been created with qualities of personality in mind, of those I already respect and know. They are genuine, sincere, flawed, but courageous too. I’m enjoying the process.

Next Blog: I want to tell you about my character, Sarah McKinney and introduce you to her. I am hoping you will fall in love with her, just as Gabriel Hart does. She is near to my heart.

Enjoy your weekend, my friends. “Eventually all pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment, and know that everything happens for a reason.” – Unknown

Published by

Patti Diener

Patti lives with her family in Lake County, California. She's a retired public school librarian, writer of fiction, memoirs, and inspirational short stories. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @pattidiener

4 thoughts on “And The Winner Is………”

  1. Perfect title. I speak with so many people while at work in HVL. Some people are having Soooo much difficulty rising OUT OF THE ASHES. I will recommend your book.

    1. Thank you Tami! Recommend my site so they can partake in the comments, share stories, or give recommendations for the book. So far I’ve been receiving great advice, heartfelt stories, and insightful comments. Feeling encouraged.

      1. Ah, my friend Carmen! You are always my number 1 fan! Charlie will be thrilled to hear you loved his idea!

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