Busy Life Equals Slow Editing


 in a person’s life seem more significant after they are actually over. When you are going through the moment, it’s sometimes hard to realize, “this is actually happening.” 

Our youngest just graduated from Santa Rosa Junior College with honors, in the first step of her adult education. She is propelling towards the field of Radiology, and like everything else she’s set out to accomplish in her life, I’ve no doubt she will attain that goal as well.

 While sitting

in the audience of the largest graduating class SRJC has ever had, I tried to be as present as I possibly could, but my mind kept wandering back to when she was a toddler and already very much independent. Here, at the 100 year anniversary of this wonderful northern California school, I know I wasn’t alone in feeling nostalgic about my child, who is now very much a grown up. Where, indeed, has the time gone?

We were so missing our other beautiful daughter, Fallon, who has moved to Oregon, and could not attend. There was a little ache inside of me wishing she could have been there, but my heart swells with pride at how brave she is to pursue her own dreams. Sometimes in the adult world, responsibilities can be great. At least earlier in the month we were fortunate to have her come for a short visit. Also we had so much family around to support our graduate, Emma, that the family was well represented. In that way, I was extremely pleased.

Back to back events, the following day was our town’s annual Memorial Day Parade. I was getting sick with a dumb cold and stressing to try and do all kinds of, “end of the school year,” activities earlier in that week, (such as book fair at my school), that I was exhausted. But a very important guy I know was the Grand Marshall in the Lower Lake Daze Parade.

Lower Lake Daze Grand Marshall 2018

My husband, Charlie was selected to be the Grand Marshall so I couldn’t miss that. I took some nasal spray, two ibuprofen, and grabbed a tomato-beer at the parade and was golden… for about two hours. Then I went home and slept.

Since that day, I had to finish up the school year in my librarian position I hold at a public K-7 school. Evenings have been spent nursing my cold and very little editing has taken place on my book, I’m afraid. I’d gained so much progress earlier in the month but then life sort of slowed me down. Still, I wouldn’t trade it for any deadline. My family is pretty damn cool. I am so lucky.

Now I have time to breathe. Summer break is finally here and the editing is back in motion. I can look forward to editing my book, a trip to Hawaii, some me time traveling maybe nearby for more inspirational writing, and the new blog coming too. Life is really good!

Published by

Patti Diener

Patti lives with her family in Lake County, California. She's a retired public school librarian, writer of fiction, memoirs, and inspirational short stories. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @pattidiener

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